lunes, 30 de abril de 2007


Igual que ya me pasó con Madonna y Depeche Mode principalmente, aunque también con muchos otros grupos como The Killers, Pet Shop Boys y Kylie Minogue, me ha vuelto a ocurrir de nuevo, esta vez con Björk. ¡Me encanta su música! He de confesar que en otras ocasiones había intentado abrir mis oídos a ella y sé que no es tarea fácil, pero, el sábado pasado (día de aburrimiento) se me ocurrió buscar vídeos suyos y... sencillamente, me encantaron; realmente los vídeos son bastante surreaslistas, lo que me maravilló fue la música. Es la primera cantante de música trip-hop que me gusta verdaderamente, aunque Placebo y Massive Attack no están mal, algunas canciones se vuelven demasiado pesadas. Pero, ya se sabe con el trip-hop; con tantos beats y bajos, se te pone un dolor de cabeza...aunque en algunos casos ese dolor merece la pena.

Hablando de Björk, he de decir que tan sólo he escuchado algunas canciones suyas, no toda su discografía, que es muy amplia, todo sea dicho. Además, también opino que su época ya pasó a mejor vida con el principio del siglo XXI: es lo que pasa cuando un artista no se reinventa (esta palabra es un poco cansina, la verdad), que acaba cayendo en la repetición y todo suena igual al final. Desde lo poco que sé de ella, creo que su disco mejor conseguido es Homogenic (palabra que ni siquiera existe en inglés, pero ella que aparte de ser más rara que un perro verde, es más chula que un ocho, pues se lo plantó y se quedó bien ancha). He navegado por su página web oficial y la verdad es que está bastante bien, de las mejorcitas que visto en cuanto a artistas ya que la mayoría son bastante mediocres. Aquí pongo alguna de mis canciones preferidas con el enlace a la información de su página web y el vídeo para que escuchais/veais lo bien que están (a veces los vídeos son un coñazo pero bueno, todo sea por la buena música y porque no me apetece estar cargando en internet el mp3 jeje). Merece la pena hacer click en los enlaces de cada canción...están genial, con fotos del vídeo, críticas de la canción, dibujos, etc. muy guay todo.

All Is Full Of Love



Army Of Me


Pagan Poetry

domingo, 29 de abril de 2007

Chris Cunningham

Después de unos días de sequía mental, hoy se me ha ocurrido abrir este post acerca de un director de cine muy reconocido dentro del vídeo musical y los spots publicitarios: Chris Cunningham. Él es el responsable de obras de diversos anuncios tal y como el de la mujer extraterrestre de PlayStation (pinchad en el enlace si quereis volver a verlo) por ejemplo. Sin embargo, hoy me gustaría centrarme en su faceta de director de vídeos musicales con dos de mis vídeos preferidos y, por cierto, ambos muy premiados.

Madonna - Frozen

Björk - All Is Full Of Love

No creo que sea necesario decirlo porque salta a la vista, pero estos vídeos, ambos del año 1998 marcaron un antes y un después, son un hito en la historia del vídeo musical. Como ya he dicho, ambos recibieron multitud de premios y no es para menos: canciones geniales con vídeos asombrosos...¿qué más se puede pedir? ¡Disfrutad!

jueves, 26 de abril de 2007

Adiós a la familia Fisher

El mejor final de todas las series que he visto y que seguramente jamás veré. No encuentro palabras para expresar lo que me hizo sentir al verlo por primera vez, y sigo sin encontrarlas al verlo de nuevo...el mejor final de una serie, el más emocionante y sencillamente el mejor, aunque infinitamente triste he de decir también. Nunca me ha entristecido tanto que una serie termine, os lo digo de todo corazón...los creadores, guionistas, etc son unos auténticos genios: este vídeo te hace llorar y pone los pelos de punta. Por cierto, la canción se llama Breathe Me y es de Sia (me la estoy descargando para el iPod, es preciosa)

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2007

Madonna: la mayor polémica en televisión

Bueno, hoy no estaba precisamente inspirado, pero como he hecho un acto de voluntad de intentar actualizar diariamente, pues aquí va el post de hoy. Es acerca de una entrevista de Madonna en el programa de David Letterman en la televisión americana muy polémica: la más censurada de la historia de la televisión (las palabras fuck y shit eran una constante durante toda la entrevista). Cambiando un poco de tema, más adelante pondré algún post acerca de la (no)conveniencia de la censura (fuera censuras). Perdonadme pero no me apetece traducir el texto entero, así que si alguien quiere saber de qué va más o menos, pues que me postee y yo encantado haré un resumen global del asunto o traduciré a español alguna situación particular que alguien no entienda.

Dave: Our first guest tonight is one of the biggest stars in the world. In the past ten years she has sold over 80 million albums, starred in countless films, and slept with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry.
Paul: She's your guest!
Dave: It's right there on her bio, for heaven's sake.
Paul: She's your guest.
Dave: It's what it says --
Paul: She's your guest.
Dave: Oh, she's, oh, everything's fine. Just relax, will you? We're just trying to have fun.
Paul: Okay. I know.
Dave: Ladies and gentlemen, here she is ... Madonna!
--Music-- [Holiday by Madonna]
[Madonna comes out and hands Dave her panties. Dave stuffs them into a drawer when he gets back to his desk]
Dave: How are you doing?
Madonna: I'm only here cause there isn't a Knicks game. Don't get excited.
Dave: Oh, come on. Let's go kiss a guy in the audience. Why don't you go kiss a guy in the audience?
Madonna: Why are you so obsessed with my sex life?
Dave: As we all know, I have none of my own.
Madonna: Well, um ...
Dave: Go kiss the guy in the audience, it would knock him out. Look at that guy [pointing him out]. Just like, on the forehead, just on the forehead --
Madonna: I can't. [both are laughing] He's not tall enough.
Dave: I like that, she said I can't. Lots of people would cave into the pressure and say, "Oh, allll right." They'd go out and kiss him and get it over with.
Madonna: Yeah, well, I've never succumbed to peer pressure.
Dave: Well, good for you. That's what we love about you, Madonna.
Madonna: Yes.
Dave: What brings you --
Madonna: Incidentally, you are a sick fuck. I don't know why I get so much shit.
Dave: You realize this --
Madonna: You're twisted.
Dave: -- is being broadcast, don't you?
Madonna: Yeah. [both laughing nervously]
Dave: Well you can't be talking like that.
Madonna: What?
Dave: I said ... oh, never mind. What brings you to --
Madonna: Wait a minute. Aren't you going to smell them? [the panties]
Dave: [Sighs twice]
Madonna: I gave them to you for a reason.
Dave: Let's see what I'm doing at my house right now, ladies and gentlemen -- [a running gag that evening]
Madonna: No, no, no, no, no!
Dave: I'll take care of that later, it's a lovely --
Madonna: I gave him my, come on, I gave him my underpants and he won't smell. [laughing as Dave sticks them back in his desk drawer] That's not where they go!
Dave: No, that's, no, believe me, that's where the underwear go, That's where ... see, look. Here's where I keep my socks, here's where I keep my panties.
Madonna: [laughing]
Dave: That's where they go
Madonna: No, that's where, that's where you keep my panties.
Dave: Okay. So what are you doing in New York City? Let me ask you a question: Are you buying an NBA team, you buying the Bulls, you buying the Miami Heat, you buying a whya whya ...
Madonna: No.
Dave: How come?
Madonna: Uhhmm ...
Dave: Is that just a rumor? Is that an --
Madonna: Yes.
Dave: Untrue rumor? But you like basketball.
Madonna: Isn't that an oxymoron -- an untrue rumor?
Dave: No, not necessarily.
Madonna: Isn't that sort of like jumbo shrimp?
Dave: Some rumors are true. Yeah, jumbo shrimp, yes, oxymoron, I mean --
Madonna: Untrue rumor.
Dave: No, no, some rumors are true.
Madonna: Untrue rumor, I mean ... that's like, "funny David Letterman."
Dave: Oh, man. [boos from audience] Sir, [calls out to man in audience that wanted kiss from Madonna] you're the luckiest man in the house! [crowd roars approval] So you like basketball a great deal. Where's your interest in basketball?
Madonna: [looking up at boom mike] That microphone is really long. Speaking of the NBA ... [Dave gives her a look] I'm sorry [giggling]. I always go there, and really, I don't care, I mean --
Dave: So now let's talk about your interest in the NBA. You go to a lot of games. You were, you were friends with Charles Barkley.
Madonna: I wouldn't go that far.
Dave: You weren't friends with Charles Barkley?
Madonna: I don't think he understands the meaning of friendship.
Dave: Oh, really. He seems like he might be a hothead, that guy.
Madonna: Hmmm, hmhm.
Dave: Did you know him at all?
Madonna: Hmmm, hmhm.
Dave: Yeah?
Madonna: Yeah.
Dave: Did it hurt when you had that thing put in your nose? [referring to her nosering, but she bursts out laughing]
Madonna: I thought you were going to ask me if it hurt something else, but I ... [crowd groans] ... thought you were going to continue the Charles Barkley line of questioning.
Dave: Ohhhh, man, this is. .
Madonna: Fuck.
Dave: What a revelation.
Madonna: And the question, and the answer is, um --
Dave: What a lovely young woman.
Madonna: Hmm, yes.
Dave: [Tries again] But, you have like, a nose ring there.
Madonna: It hurt, the answer is yes, both questions.
Dave: What happens when you take that out, will you ever take that out?
Madonna: What happens when you take it out?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: Both questions?
Dave: Oh, come on, come on, what a, what a -- [exasperated] What am I speakin', Chinese here? Now stop it!
Madonna: Listen, all you do is talk about my sex life on your show, so now you don't want to talk about my sex life when I'm on your show.
Dave: Now what do you mean? Do you mean because we refer to you periodically, we make jokes --
Madonna: Periodically?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: You can't get through a show without talking about me ... or thinking about me.
Dave: [laughing] No, but do you mind that, is that a problem for you?
Madonna: It's never a problem.
Dave: Yeah. All right, I'll tell you what. Let's do, let's do a commercial. Do you want to do a commercial?
Madonna: No.
Dave: Okay, we'll do a commercial.
Madonna: I don't think we should ever cut to a comercial,
Dave: No, we'll --
Madonna: Let's keep talking and film every second of it.
Dave: Oh yeah. Because if the rest of it is as fascinating as the first part of it ... [crowd roars approval] ... then we've ... we've got something there ... there, that's money in the bank, there.
Madonna: Before -- wait, wait, wait! -- before we cut to a commercial, I just want to know. Um ... is that a rug?
Dave: You talkin' about my hair? Well, all right -- what is that [pointing to her hairdo], a swim cap? What are you wearing? [applause] Come on! Let's go! [Stands and puts his dukes up] Here we go, [applause] Come on! [So Madonna stands and takes up his challenge. Dave backs down] No, no, no, I got a bad neck, I can't, I can't ... just sit down. Just sit down. Sit down. Just have a seat.
Madonna: Don't make me act a fool, Dave, all right? [both are laughing]
Dave: Have a seat.
Madonna: Don't make me ... [out of nowhere] Do you want to touch my dress?
Dave: I would, I would. I would like to touch your dress. [touches dress] Oh, very nice, very nice [sighs, both sit down] I tell you what. We are going to do a commercial and, uh, we are going to wash her mouth out with soap --
Madonna: And he's going to smell my underwear.
Dave: -- and then we'll be right back. Kids, come on back!
-- Commercial Break --
Dave: How do you do, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back, Madonna is here, Madonna and I are just sitting around smoking cigars and swapping recipes.
Madonna: [puffing on a stogie] Yeah.
Dave: Also, uh Counting Crows, and the, uh, world champion grocery bagger. Did you have jobs like that when you were a kid? Did you work in grocery stores, bagging groceries, any of that?
Madonna: No.
Dave: Have you ever been in a grocery store?
Madonna: You really have, you really -- [both giggling] Yeah.
Dave: Yeah? Good. Uh, and --
Madonna: You know, you really changed since the last time I was on the show.
Dave: Well we haven't seen you in like six years or seven years.
Madonna: You used to be really kind of, like, cool.
Dave: I know -- there is no bigger dweeb than me.
Madonna: Money's made you soft.
Dave: Really? You think so?
Madonna: Yeah.
Dave: In what sense?
Madonna: Because you just kiss up to everybody on your show now. [oohs from crowd] You do, man. You're always kissing up to like, all -- I see all these, like, you know, movie stars coming here, and you're just all ga-ga. You should just give people a hard time.
Dave: Yeah? I can suspend that behavior tonight if you'd like. [applause and laughter]
Madonna: [laughing] I believe you have already.
Dave: Oh, I know. Now, we're just kidding around, now. Explain to folks, we're just kidding around.
Madonna: Don't treat me special, okay?
Dave: All right. Sure.
Madonna: I wouldn't want you to do that.
Dave: Now what specifically are you getting at. What is driving you nuts here? What's troubling you?
Madonna: About you or life in general?
Dave: Well, let's start with life in general.
Madonna: No, let's just get back to you.
Dave: Okay, fine
Madonna: Um ...
Dave: First of all, you're not irritated at all, you're not irritated at all. I know. This is a little act.
Madonna: You are not irritating me.
Dave: Okay, good.
Madonna: Are you trying to?
Dave: No, I'm not trying to irritate you.
Madonna: Actually, you do irritate me sometimes
Dave: Well ... you kind of irritate me, too.
Madonna: Really?
Dave: You see? We have so much in common.
Madonna: I know. Why are you always -- actually, I brought something to, like, make a point --
Dave: Right. Okay. Good.
Madonna: -- because you are always fucking with me on the show.
Dave: God ...
Madonna: You are always fucking with me on the show.
Dave: This, you know --
Madonna: You are always fucking with me on the show
[An older couple is shown gasping at Madonna's comments]
Madonna: Where is that thing? [referring to the camera]
Dave: See what you're doing? You see? You see what you're doing? [applause] Now there, you see?
Madonna: What?
Dave: A, a nice couple -- where are you folks from? [Audience members near them call out, "Appleton, Wisconsin"] Yeah. Appleton, Wisconsin. Look, they drove all the way, they came in an Avis car and they wanted --
Madonna: Will you shut up please! Can we -- let's get to the tape. I brought a tape to prove that he's obsessed with my ... obsessed with me.
Dave: All right, you think we refer to you much too much on the show.
Madonna: Yeah.
Dave: All right, roll the tape, Hal, let's see what she's talking about here.
Dave: [on the tape, addressing Paul] As luck would have it, I look up and there's Madonna ...
Paul: There she was!
Dave: ... riding her bicycle. Hal, roll my home video tape of Madonna. Watch this, this is very impressive, ladies and gentlemen ... Look, there she is!
[cut to footage of a woman riding her bicycle, buck naked, in Central Park]
Dave: Okay, stop it.
[tape over; applause]
Dave: All right ...
Madonna: What's that all about?
Dave: Now can you do that? Don't you have a problem with chafing when you're out there like that?
Madonna: My ass looks a lot better than that.
Dave: [laughing] Are you enjoying that smoke there?
Madonna: It's just the right size.
Dave: What are you, uh, now when you leave here tonight? What are you gonna do, are you gonna go out are you going to ...
Madonna: Don't fuck with me Dave
Dave: Oh, jeez ... please ...
Madonna: Aren't there any other segmants? That's it?
Dave: Do we have more tape for Madonna? Sounds to me ...
Madonna: I like the way you say my name, by the way.
Dave: It sounds to me like somebody might be hmm-hmming with you.
Madonna: Somebody fucked up.
Dave: [laughing nervously] Oh, god.
Madonna: It's okay.
Dave: I want to thank you folks for coming out for this run-through show. Thank you very much. This, of course, will never see the light of day. You won't miss a thing tonight. [applause] Hmm, you have, you have a
top ten list, I'm told.
Madonna: Yeah, I'm sitting on it.
Dave: You're sitting on it. Oh -- are we going to do the list?
[Morty says yes]
Dave: I heard Morty over there weaseling. First he said, "No, no, no, no!" And then I said, and then I said, "Are we going to do the list?" and he said, "Suuuure!"
Madonna: There seems to be a lot of confusion right now.
Dave: Yeah. Guess why.
[audience, Dave, and Madonna laughing]
Madonna: Is it cause I've been saying fuck?
Dave: You just, you can't --
Madonna: Speak the truth and shame the devil, baby.
Dave: No, you can't be comin' on here -- this is American television. You can't be talkin' like that. Now we're going to have to --
Madonna: Why?
Dave: Because people don't want that in their own homes at 11:30 at night.
Madonna: They don't?
Madonna: Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Dave: Yeah! Yessir!
Madonna: Stop! [Paul plays some patriotic music as Dave salutes]
Madonna: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! People don't want to hear the word [fuck] in their --
Dave: Oh, stop it! Will you stop?!? Ladies and gentlemen! TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME! Turn down the volume IMMEDIATELY! She can't be stopped! [applause] There's something wrong with her.
Madonna: I want to know, what do people -- there is definetly something wrong with me.
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: I'm sitting here. Anyways [crowd goes "ooooooh"] -- what? [mimicking] Oooooh.
Dave: We have to do another commercial. We have to do another commercial. We'll figure --
Madonna: I don't think we should.
Dave: No, we are going to do one.
Madonna: I don't think -- I think we should break the rules.
Dave: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm callin' the shots.
Madonna: Tonight, I think we should --
Dave: We're doin' another commercial. Weeee'll be right back.
[Madonna smoking a cigar]
Dave: Counting Crows will be out here in a little bit, and Madonna is with us, if you're just joining us, so far it has been a fascinating interview.
Madonna: Yeah, you just -- Dave just slobbered all over my cigar.
Dave: Yeah, no, you asked me to light it for you, and I thought I was doing the gentlemanly thing.
Madonna: This is the closest I'm ever going to get to kissing you.
Dave: Aaah, well. [crowd aahing] We could certainly change that, you know what I mean? ... If I don't have to wait in line. [laughter] It's a joke! I'm sorry.
Madonna: Well, you're not in the NBA, so forget about it.
Dave: [laughing] Now, Madonna, I'm told that you've prepared a little special comedy thing for us, your own kind of --
Madonna: Me?
Dave: Yes, you. Your
top ten list, there. And I think all America is --
Madonna: Want to get it? [She leans to her right and Dave reaches under her tush to get it]
Dave: Oh man! Uh ... [Madonna is laughing hysterically] ... damn thing seems to be stuck! [laughter] Somebody bring me the Jaws of Life!
Madonna: See?
Dave: There, okay.
Madonna: See, I haven't dated that many basketball players.
Dave: All right ... just ... [unwrinkling paper]
Madonna: That was a very subtle joke.
Dave: There, okay. How you been? You doin' all right? You look pretty good. Everything going all right?
Madonna: [pauses] Are you talkin' to me?
Dave: I'm talkin' to you, yeah.
Madonna: This seems all very rehearsed.
Dave: I know.
Madonna: Why did you have to go and read a
top ten list?
Dave: We do it every night. Have you ever seen the show? [laughter]
Madonna: Well, actually I have seen the show, but I've never -- I mean, I've always been doing something while I was watching the show.
Dave: Oh, I know. I've heard. I've heard all about you.
Madonna: Exactly. So ... [examining top ten list] I don't really ... it's not funny [crumples it up and throws it behind her] Forget it. [audience claps]
Dave: Well, now what the hell are we going to do?
Madonna: Oh, fuck it.
Dave: Now, come on! You -- you know -- you --
Madonna: We're going to have to deal with each other.
Dave: Oohhh, let's don't do that.
Madonna: No holds barred.
Dave: [To Morty] We have tape? Tape of what?
Madonna: Tape? Why can't we just talk to each other? Why do we have to have all of this contrived bullshit? You know? Fuck the tape, fuck the list, everything. You know what I'm saying?
Dave: Oh, man.
Madonna: I think we should get -- don't you want to show everybody the underwear?
Dave: Well, uh, I think most everybody has seen underwear.
Madonna: No, they haven't seen -- they haven't seen my underwear.
Dave: Now, that's not true. [laughter]
Madonna: No, no, no, no. They saw me out of my underwear. They haven't seen me in my underwear.
Dave: [To Morty] What? Oh, jeez, we're out of time. [laughing] You know, uh --
Madonna: Don't make me act a fool, Dave.
Dave: No, no, you know it was fun. I get a big kick out of you and --
Madonna: [sweetly] Really?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: In what way? What part of your body?
Dave: I think you're a nice --
Madonna: Where?
Dave: You know I think you're a decent, nice person, you know.
Madonna: [not buying it] Uh, huh ...
Dave: And uh, I'm happy you came by here tonight and could ... gross us all out! [laughter] But you know, I'm just, you know ...
Madonna: Isn't there anything you really want to ask me?
Dave: [sighs] You know, it's seems like we know almost everything there is to know about you.
Madonna: Really?
Dave: Tell us something we don't know.
Madonna: You don't know a god
damn thing.
Dave: Yeah? Like what? What's the next look? What's the next incarnation? What's the next sort of a image, what do we --
Madonna: That's what you want to know?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: No, that's not what you want to know. [dead air]
Dave: Oh, jeez, we're out of time again. [laughter] What are you going to do now? What are you going to do after the show?
Madonna: Did you know that it's good if you pee in the shower?
Dave: I'm sorry?
Madonna: I'm serious! No, seriously, peeing in the shower is really good. It ... it fights, um, um, athlete's foot. I'm serious, no, urine is like, is like ... is like an antiseptic. It's all got to do with the enzymes in your body.
Dave: Don't ... don't you know a good pharmacist? [laughter]
Madonna: Ummm ...
Dave: Get yourself some Desenex! Or whatever that stuff is.
Madonna: I wanted to share something that I knew with you.
Dave: Okay, well, thank you very much. Ah, I'm going to try to wrap this up.
Madonna: Do you have a girlfriend?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: Really?
Dave: Yeah.
Madonna: Umm.
Dave: What do you care? [laughter] What? Like, a guy like me wouldn't have a girlfriend? [Audience member: "Yeah, Dave!"] Yeah! Thank you very much, sir! [laughter, applause] What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
Madonna: I thought you were going to ask me if I had a girlfriend.
Dave: Are you currently interested in someone?
Madonna: Mm-hmmmmm.
Dave: Oh, really? What's his name?
Madonna: Daaaaave.
Dave: Dave? No. No, no, not ... former mayor of New York Dave Dinkins? [laughter; Dave turns to camera and waves] GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!
Madonna: Look, I don't want to --
Dave: You have to. We have to say goodbye now.
Madonna: Why?
Dave: Because we have other guests.
Madonna: Why?
Dave: Probably, probably not anymore, but we should --
Madonna: Can't this just go on and on?
Dave: Oh, it seems like it has, now, don't it? [laughter] You know, we want to get the Counting Crows out here, and we want to get the bagger --
Madonna: Why?
Dave: We want to hear their song. They have a little song they've planned for us, so we'd like to hear it. And the grocery bagger -- you don't want to break his heart, do you?
Madonna: [Shakes her head yes]
Dave: No, look at this [Hal shows a clock that reads 12:13]. Look, see? Hi, how ya doing? Oh, okay, so --
Madonna: It's not really this late, anyway. This is all a fantasy.
Dave: Right. But, I mean, when --
Madonna: We are living ahead of the time when it actually is.
Dave: Exactly. Very heavy, Madonna, thank you. [laughter] I don't know, I don't kn --
Madonna: Don't fuck with me, Dave.
Dave: I know.
Madonna: Don't make me act a fool.
Dave: Ah, so I think what we'll do is --
Madonna: Wait a minute! I just want to ask you one more question
Dave: Yeah, sure, go ahead. Shoot.
Madonna: Have you ever smoked Indo?
Dave: I'm sorry?
Madonna: Have you ever smoked Indo?
Dave: I don't know what you're talking about.
Madonna: You're a god damned liar.
Dave: I, no, I, ah, ah, ah, I don't [starts into his Carson impression; Paul plays a few bars of the Tonight theme; Madonna laughs hysterically], ah, I don't ... no, I don't, I, ah ... Sorry. I don't, I don't know what you're talking about.
Madonna: Well, you should.
Dave: All right, well, I'll put that on my list of things to do ... [Audience member yells: "Get off!"]
Dave: [writing on a piece of paper] Smoke some Indo ...
Madonna: Oh, oh, oh, and pee in the shower.
Dave: Okay, pee in the shower ... get those panties cleaned ... okay, all right, Madonna.
Madonna: Don't tell me you haven't peed in the shower.
Dave: [laughs nervously]
Madonna: Everybody pees in the shower and everybody picks their nose. [Audience member again yells: "Get off!"]
Dave: Okay, now, um ...
Madonna: Why do we have to be -- why do you keep flashing that card?
Dave: Because we -- because ...
Madonna: Can't we just break the rules? [Again from the crowd: "Get off!"]
Madonna: Who said that?
Dave: No, no -- that's the guy you wouldn't kiss earlier! [laughter] The guy out there, you irritated him, all right? Okay, now --
Madonna: Is the show almost over?
Dave: The show is nearly over. We have to say goodbye now.
Madonna: [forlornly] We only have a few minutes ...
Dave: We only have a few minutes and -- thank you again from the bottom of my heart. It was nice of you to stop by tonight. Madonna! [applause]
Madonna: When you come back I'll still be here. Fuck it!
Dave: Of course, that's what I was going to say. She ... she ... [demented] She won't leave! We can't get rid of her! What if she's still here tommorrow night? [Paul strikes a few shrill 'Psycho' chords] Ah, that's crazy! Ah, ah ... [sobers up] Ahhhhh, just for the hell of it, let's do a commercial and see what happens. [laughter; applause]

martes, 24 de abril de 2007


La alcachofa
de tierno corazón
se vistió de guerrero,
erecta, construyó
una pequeña cúpula,
se mantuvo
sus escamas,
a su lado
los vegetales locos
se encresparon,
se hicieron
zarcillos, espadañas,
bulbos conmovedores,
en el subsuelo
durmió la zanahoria
de bigotes rojos,
la viña
resecó los sarmientos
por donde sube el vino,
la col
se dedicó
a probarse faldas,
el orégano
a perfumar el mundo,
y la dulce
allí en el huerto,
vestida de guerrero,
como una granada,
y un día
una con otra
en grandes cestos
de mimbre, caminó
por el mercado
a realizar su sueño:
la milicia.
En hileras
nunca fue tan marcial
como en la feria,
los hombres
entre las legumbres
con sus camisas blancas
de las alcachofas,
las filas apretadas,
las voces de comando,
y la detonación
de una caja que cae,
con su cesto,
una alcachofa,
no le teme,
la examina, la observa
contra la luz como si fuera un huevo,
la compra,
la confunde
en su bolsa
con un par de zapatos,
con un repollo y una
de vinagre
que entrando a la cocina
la sumerge en la olla.
Así termina
en paz
esta carrera
del vegetal armado
que se llama alcachofa,
escama por escama
la delicia
y comemos
la pacífica pasta
de su corazón verde.

Pablo Neruda, Oda a la alcachofa

Llevo mucho tiempo intentando darle forma a algún post para el blog relacionado con mi amiga, la alcachofa. ¿Por qué no lo he hecho hasta ahora? Bueno, he estado un par de semanas muy atareado con la Universidad, espero tener algo más de tiempo libre de ahora en adelante y haré una "promesa", intentaré actualizar a diario, aunque me cueste mucho trabajo después de tener la cabeza como un bombo del amplio abanico de asignaturas industriales jeje.
He puesto antes una poesía que he encontrado de Neruda dedicada a mi amiga la alcachofa. La gente que me conoce mejor entenderá el por qué de mi decisión de dedicarle un apartado a esta verdura, en mi opinión y gusto personal, de sabor muy desagradable (espero que nadie se ofenda a leerlo, tan sólo es mi "delicado y especial" paladar). La cuestión de este post de hoy es intentar desgranar la frase Tener menos personalidad que una alcachofa. Sinceramente, la alcachofa tiene muy poca personalidad, no sé si será por su escaso sabor. También he pensado que podría ser debido a que la única parte comestible de la misma es su corazón, protegido por una gran coraza que hay que cocer convenientemente (tal y como dice mi amigo Neruda en su poema), viniendo de ahí su "timidez" y poca "personalidad" de dicho vegetal.
No sé si en todas las zonas dónde se habla español se utilizará esta expresión, pero yo la he oído desde siempre. He de reconocer que la he "rescatado" de mi memoria debido a una circunstancia personal muy cercana...para no dar nombres, llamemos a nuestro objeto de estudio X. Digamos que esta incógnita toma normalmente el valor X=2. Sin embargo, cuando ésta deja de ser una sóla incógnita y se combina con Y, da lugar a otro resultado de manera inmediata y completamente diferente, por ejemplo: X+Y=5. Lo más asombroso del asunto es que, aún tomando la incógnita Y=0, es decir, valor nulo, cero, nada, incógnita X no vuelve a tomar su valor hasta pasado un determinado tiempo (hay que recordar que antes el cambio era inmediato), esto es, para que X pase de ser 5 a volver a ser 2 (recordemos, su valor original y propio) sigue una función exponencial negativa, por ejemplo:
X(x)=5-3exp(-x) para todo x perteneciente al intervalo (-infinito,0]
Bueno, ya sé que me estoy rayando demasiado pero en fin, ¿qué quereis? Hace calor, esta tarde tengo 4h de prácticas de Combustión y tengo sueño...pero no he querido dejar de pasar la oportunidad de escribir lo anterior, que se resume en una sola frase (si habeis leído lo anterior, os lo agradezco también jaja): no entiendo que una persona pueda tener tan poco carácter y personalidad como para cambiar su forma de ser cuando está con otra persona, cambiar hasta la forma de hablar, incluso el acento con el que se habla...INCREIBLE...Lo peor de todo es que este tipo de personas se piensan de carácter fuerte e indomables, vamos, que tienen al/a la otro/a comiendo de su mano...ANGELITO/ pudieras salir de tu cuerpo y observarte desde fuera...darías penita!!!
Pues, lo dicho, si alguien lee este post y puede aportar algo, por favor que lo haga, le estaría muy agradecido (psicólogos, lo sé, se me va la olla; psiquiatras, no, no necesito medicación).
P.S.: otro día hablaremos de los besos que superan los decibelios permitidos por la ley...

sábado, 21 de abril de 2007

Va muriendo lentamente...

Mama Tierra - Mother Earth

Os dejo aquí este vídeo de Macaco, que nada más verlo me ha encantado. El audio no es precisamente bueno, pero en fin, para haceros una idea no está nada mal. Espero poder volver a actualizar más a menudo ya que han pasado estas dos asquerosas semanas de exámenes del departamento de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos!!! Qué ascazo tanto puede ser bueno para la salud.

Salvemos la Tierra, aún estamos a tiempo.

domingo, 8 de abril de 2007


El quipu (en idioma quechua khipu, nudo) fue un sistema nemotécnico de cuerdas de lana o algodón y nudos de uno o varios colores desarrollado en los Andes. Por cierto, nemoténico ó mnemotécnico, por si no sabeis lo que significa (yo no lo sabía y he tenido que buscarlo en el diccionario) aquí os lo escribo: perteneciente a la nemotécnica, siendo ésta el arte que procura por medio de varias reglas aumentar las facultades y alcance de la memoria.
He aquí una representación de un quipu:

Se sabe que fueron usados como un sistema de contabilidad por los funcionarios del Imperio Inca. Actualmente, se estudia su posible uso como forma de escritura y hasta como código de encriptación; es por muchos considerado uno de los primeros códigos binarios de la historia. Se han descubierto que los quipus eran grandes discos duros de la época, que seguían complejos algoritmos en los que cada nudo reprensetaba un número e incluso palabras y frases.

La época del Imperio Inca es conocida como la Edad de Bronce de internet, no sólo por los códigos de los quipu, sino también porque en aquella época, los chasquis (mensajeros) eran tan veloces, y la combinación de sus relevos tan perfecta, que las noticias podían recorrer cientos de kilómetros de distancia en tan sólo un día, con lo cual la información se propagaba por todo el Imperio de manera muy rápida.